

            I found the steps of the project to be very cohesive. I was able to gain surface information, with a general understanding of the sources initially when I was compiling them into the database. I was then able to pinpoint the significant parts of them when I was writing my narrative. Then I found myself delving deeply into some of the sources when I was compiling my exhibit in order to closely and accurately portray a certain part of my project – which was the music itself. I acquired most of my resources off of academic search databases, in addition to searching the internet. I found the reviews of the performances by attendees of the shows to be of particular relevance.


            What challenged me about this project was mostly working with the website and figuring out how to properly input the information. I am not very computer or internet savvy, so I had to keep trying different things until it came out right. I also had some formatting issues, particularly with my narrative. I had to keep going back and trying out different things so that my spaces would be even and the piece would work, aesthetically. Initially, when I was gathering sources, I also had some trouble differentiating between primary and secondary sources, but found the date of when the source was created to be a very helpful tool in identifying sources for this project.

            I learned a lot about how to input information into websites, as well as collecting sources into a database. I also learned how to go back and draw information from, as well as quote, those sources that I had compiled. Once I knew where they were and I could readily access a description in which I identified the source’s use and relevance to my project, it was very easy to quickly go back and reference the individual sources. I was surprised that I could build such a complete website/database on my own. I think that the exhibit part of the assignment was particularly interesting because I was able to focus in one aspect of the topic – which is the music itself and the live performances – to interpret its significance to the greater picture of Fugazi’s role in social and political activism.